Friday, August 20, 2010

Find #67 Remember Paoli ! ( GC8C4A )

This was my first "virtual" cache where there was not an actual container to find, but an object that you have to have your picture taken next to.  This location was the site of the September 1777 Battle of Paoli or "Paoli Massacre" during the Revolutionary War.  

 Monument where the soldiers were buried

After his defeat at Battle of the Clouds, General George Washington retreated to Valley Forge to regroup while the British prepared to sieze the city of Philadelphia.  General Washington sent General Anthony Wayne and 2200 soldiers to intercept the General Howe and the British.  Wayne's men encamped at Paoli awaiting reinforcements.  

 Site of the battlefield

The British learned of Washington's plan.  At around midnight of September 20th, the Red Coats sneaked up on General Anthony Wayne's sleeping soldiers and attacked.  Thus ensued the Battle of Paoli.  Wayne's men were massacred and later the British moved on to capture Philadelphia.

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