Sunday, August 15, 2010

#51 Leiper Railway Cache II ( GC2BJB1 )

"Leiper Railway Cache II" was neat in that it was located next to what once was the first surveyed railway in the United States.  It was actually located across the creek from the Thomas Leiper House and Leiper Park.  Thomas Leiper was the founder of the railway.  It was used to haul stone from the Leiper Quarry. The old roadbed is now a gas pipeline, but the old quarry site remains.

 What remains of the old Leiper Quarry

Statley tree along what remains of the Leiper Railway

I had the day before, found "Leiper Railway Cache" across Crum Creek near the Lieper House.  I am currently in the middle of finding "More Railway History (GCZ58Q )" which is a multi stage cache involving the Leiper Railway as well as other railroad history.

The Thomas Leiper House and Leiper Park across the creek from the old railway site

Stage 1 of "More Railroad History"

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