Sunday, August 8, 2010

Find #41 Rails and Trails ( GC1PV5V )

This is the cache that almost wasn't.  After hiking to the location via the old rail line, I discovered nothing at the coordinates where the cache was supposed to be.  After searching around, I came to the conclusion that the cache may be missing because I found a piece of wire attached to a sign post at the exact location where the cache as supposed to be.  This was a multi-cache and I figured that the first stage was a micro of some sort.
Trail head off of Dutton Mill Road

Some interesting wildlife along the trail to stage 1
Broken dam at stage 1

Disappointed, I began trekking up the path back to the main old rail line.  I saw off to the side a dead mouse that was just laying there on it's back, intact.  It looked very odd like it was sleeping.  I walked over to examine the mouse and in the weeds about a foot and half away from the mouse, I saw a tiny piece of paper rolled up.  It looked just like it came out of a micro container.  I picked it up and sure enough, there were the coordinates for the next stage of the cache!  Overjoyed, I began the journey up the path to find the next mark.  I planned on taking the coordinates with me and either notifying the cache owner that the container was missing or just finding another container and return with it.  As I was walking along, I passed over something small and black that looked unusual in shape.  I went back to check it out and low and behold, there was the micro container for the cache.  Completely intact!
Dead mouse and cache coordinates

I reassembled the cache and figured it was not safe to put it back where it was since someone had already attempted to destroy it.  I re-hid the cache nearby and sent the coordinates to the cache owner.  I continued on and was able to make the find on the second stage.  But, what an amazing turn of events!

Old rail trestle at stage 2

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