Friday, September 3, 2010

Find #99 He Was Mad! ( GCYQAF )

This cache has significant historical importance as it is hidden on the former estate of General "Mad" Anthony Wayne.  General Wayne won his claim to fame during the Revolutionary War.  He commanded the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment at the battles Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown.  

 Former estate of General "Mad" Anthony Wayne

He later led the Continental forces at the Battle of Monmouth.  Followed later in the war by the Battles of Stoney Point and Green Spring.  Stoney Point was his most successful campaign of the Revolutionary War.  After serving as a statesman, General Wayne was later called back into service to lead forces during the Indian Wars at Fort Recovery and the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

Wayne died in 1796 while returning to Pennsylvania from a western military post.  He was buried at Fort Presque Isle which later became Erie, Pennsylvania. There was a blockhouse named after him which is still standing today.  

His family later had his remains moved to the family plot in St. Davids Episcopal Church in Radnor, Pennsylvania which is the site of another related cache.

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